Meaning Of Daebak (대박) In Korean

vocab Jan 15, 2024
One girl telling a secret and the other girl listening being surprised as if she's thinking to herself "daebak" which means "that's crazy" or "oh my god" in Korean.

Daebak is one of the most commonly used words in the Korean language. In this lesson, we'll go over the meaning of the word daebak, when to use it, along with the polite and formal endings.



Daebak meaning

The direct translation of daebak is jackpot. However, it's used much more varyingly and commonly than you would the English translation.

Expressions such as that's amazing, that's crazy, that's awesome, that's dope, that's so cool, and oh my god can all be replaced with a single word, 대박 (daebak).


When to use daebak

Daebak (대박) is used to express your amazement, react to good news, or wish someone success.

Let's look at some examples.

When you're amazed:

  • 대박! This pizza is really good!
  • 대박! That guitar solo was amazing!

When you get good news:

  • You're setting me up on a blind date with Robin? 대박! 
  • 대박! You won the lottery?

When you're wishing someone success:

  • 사업 대박 나세요! (I hope your business is a big success!)
  • 수능 대박 나세요! (I hope you ace your test!)   


You can also add in the beginning to emphasize the meaning even more. 

  • 헐 대박! I just got a full scholarship to Princeton!
  • 헐 대박! Apple is having a 90% off sale!


Polite form of daebak

대박 can be used by itself as a standalone (as in the examples above) or with an added ~이야 (to be). In which case it's now a complete sentence and therefore the polite form would be 대박이에요 and the formal form would be 대박입니다, though the formal form is uncommon. 

Here are some examples of using 대박이야 in polite and formal forms:

A) Is the pizza good?

B) 네 대박이에요! (Yes, it's so good)


A) Do you like the new designs?

B) 네 대박입니다! (Yes, they're amazing!)



  • 대박 is similar to saying that's amazing or oh my god.
  • It's used to express your amazement, react to good news, or wish someone success.

  • You can add  in the beginning to emphasize the meaning even more. 

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